Choreography by Céline Bellut
Performance by Nejma Larichi and Jana Zöll
Music composition and dramaturgy by Jakob Lorenz
Stage design by Céline Bellut, Philipp Dreber and Saskia Holte
Stage design construction by Philipp Dreber
Costumes by Saskia Holte
Light design by Markus Becker
Choreographic assistance by Jordan Gigout
Production direction by Caroline Skibinski
Photo Documentation by Hans Diernberger
A co-production of Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf.
The production is supported by the : Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR.
Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW State Office for the Performing Arts. Cultural Office of the City of Cologne.
This project was realized with the support of FREIRAUM, collaborative conceptual and working space for the arts, and through the residency program Tanzatelier 0.10 in Quartier am Hafen.
The monologue at the introduction of the piece, is inspired by a conference by André Comte-Sponville at the Hopitaux Universitaire de Genève in 2016.
(Rh)einfach Festival | Tanzfaktur Köln | October 2023 INFOS
Köln TanzPrize | Cologne dance price Ceremony | nominated "best choreography 2022"| 5th December 2022
FAVORITEN FESTIVAL |Theater im Depot Dortmund | 18th September 2022
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Tanzfaktur Köln | 30th January 2022
Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf | 11th December 2021
Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf | 10th December 2021
Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf | 9th December 2021
Which bodies are considered active, energetic, and productive in our society? Who is perceived as passive, weak, inactive? The philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre assumed that the individual defines himself only through his actions and thus also shaped a supposedly clear distinction in social consciousness between activity and passivity. In "A Performance is a Long Quiet River," Céline Bellut asks whether this distinction is still contemporary and criticizes the privileged perspective from which it emerged.
Our society, its architecture, and infrastructure do not offer all bodies the same access to act freely, to move independently, or to co-create our life together. Together with a team of two dancers, two visual artists, and a music composer, Céline Bellut questions these structural conditions for what is understood as active action in a production between visual art and stage performance.
The dance and movement language explores the performative potential of boredom, movement stagnation, and non-productive actions by delving into different concepts of passivity and amplifying or customizing their physical outcomes into a choreography as much as into absurd actions or shared thoughts.
In this way, "A Performance is a Long Quiet River" also ends up exploring our existential fear of passivity, the inner struggles of wanting to be active, even in an environment where it is not necessary, like in a performance. Because doing nothing is usually the best way to start something.